Automatic Electric Sliding Gate Track Repair Case Study
20 April 2021
AGM Automation was approached by several Strata Management Companies to repair, replace & redesign various Sliding Gate tracks across Perth Western Australia. Following a thorough inspection (which also extended to conducting Regular Preventative Maintenance), AGM Automation submitted repair, replacement and solution quotes for each Automatic Sliding Gate track system. All issues were resolved by installing either custom-built and standard 'off the shelf' gate tracks.
Track #1 - Unit Complex Automatic Gate Repair, Rivervale
AGM Automation was engaged by the Strata Management Company for the property, to complete a site inspection and investigate issues with the sliding gate stopping and jamming intermittently during operation.
Following the site visit by our Gate Technician, we were able to identify the intermittent faults the gate was experiencing. We located a collapsed gate wheel which was jamming, this was due to the poor maintenance of the existing track design which had become a collection area for sand, rocks & carpark debris.
After reviewing the site with the team, back at the Workshop, we brainstormed how to overcome the poorly designed gate track. Eventually, we settled on the design of a Flat bar track with a solid round bar welded to it, with the added Zinc coating of the raw steel to prevent rust issues developing in the future. This design required installation & fixing over the top of the existing in-ground track, removing the issues of sand/debris build up.
Once the track was installed our technician commissioned the electric motor and gate hardware, then advised the Strata Manager of the completed works and instructions for future gate Maintenance of the site.
Track #2 - High Rise Building Automatic Gate Repair, Perth CBD
AGM was engaged by a Strata Management Company to attend a site and investigate issues with the sliding gate creating vibrations, upon use.This vibration could be felt throughout the building's walls and affected residents during the gate’s operation.
Following the site visit by our Gate Technician, we were able to identify the cause of the vibrations. We located a collapsed gate wheel which had started to put sideways pressure on the existing bolt-down track. Also, we noticed that both gate wheels were worn out to the point where they were no longer usable and required replacement. This was due to general wear & tear, based on the volume of use, given it was a critical entry point into the complex.
To rectify these issues, we installed a standard bolt-down track fixed to the existing concrete driveway, while also removing and disposing of the old track, correctly. Following the successful installation of the new track and wheels, we recommissioned the electric motor and all access equipment - resetting and testing to ensure they work correctly.
Once complete, we advised the strata management company that the gate was back up and running.
Track #3 - Home Bolt Down Automatic Gate Track Repair, Applecross
Custom made Bolt down track on Duragal SHS rail, replacement of rusted out cast in track. Cut out existing and fix down over the top to existing concrete, reusing track across driveway. Track rusted out due to garden material built up around track. Gate gear rack adjusted and motor recommissioned following repairs.